Registered Office:via Nevola, 12460013 Corinaldo (AN) Italy
Showroom:via Piani D’Appresso, 5/C60010 Ostra Vetere (AN) Italy
Contacts:+39 071 679 167+39 071 964 271[email protected]
Corporate Data:LA TRAMA s.r.l.P.IVA 02024990422
Work with Us
Are you interested in our services? Contact one of our departments to learn more!
Andrea pasquini Project Manager[email protected]
Francesca Franceschini Administration Style[email protected]
Luca Pasquini Programmer[email protected]
Stefano Manoni Programmer[email protected]
Send us your CV
Would you like to work with us? Send us your CV! We look forward to getting to know you better!
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The traditional knitting school
Do you want to learn a lost art? Contact us to participate in one of our traditional knitting courses with restored hand-operated machinery!
Marco Simoncini[email protected]
Craftsmanship and Technology for the production of seamless knitwear.
LA TRAMA s.r.l.Registered office:via Nevola, 124 60013 Corinaldo (AN)
Showroom:via Piani D’Appresso, 5/C 60010 Ostra Vetere (AN)
Phone:+39 071 679 167+39 071 964 271
Email:[email protected]